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About Us

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About Us

We excel our students in language & secretarial skills for a better future, with qualified & experienced faculties. The institute also provides the students with informative books.

All our courses are registered under Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF) which is a registered society of Government Of GOA under Directorate of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.

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English Conversation Course
It is a course of dialogue speaking and interacting with each other. we provide with different conversation skilled books. We also have elaboration of topics on different subjects . we also train the students to give presentation of different topics on everyday life.
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Elementary in English Language
We teach basic vocabulary and basic grammar such as to make sentences with basic vocabulary words. It also includes prepositions, conjunctions, articles etc..
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Intermediate in English Language
It is all about essential grammar teaching with more of vocabulary words. It also includes prefixes, suffixes, adjectives, phrasal verbs, comparative & to make sentences using suitable words.